So We Know Who The Hell We Are: Difference between revisions
(New page: so we know who the hell we are. By Elly Rainbow Burian on Friday, 2 May 2014 at 09:43 Please put your Facebook name and your alt.gothic handle here so we can all recognise each other :-) ...) |
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Revision as of 18:34, 1 February 2021
so we know who the hell we are. By Elly Rainbow Burian on Friday, 2 May 2014 at 09:43
Please put your Facebook name and your alt.gothic handle here so we can all recognise each other :-)
A Dominy-Cusraque = A Dominy-Cusraque.
Aaron Moses Moore = Mozai
Aaron Wooster = Al Golagnia
Adrian Bott = Cavalorn
Áine Keefer = Áine (also, ouranophobe on LJ and twitter)
Alain Cislaghi = Alain Cislaghi
Alex Sharkey/Stephanie Quinlan = 50 Ft Queenie
Algernon Wilde = Algernon33
Alicia de Soto = Yxtabay
Althea Ann =
Amanda MK = Nokturna
Amber Drake = Darkamber
Amelia Devore= leathe^v^, Amelia B. Preston
Amelia G = AmeliaG
Amy Lerner = November
Amy Montz = Twilight
Amy Romeo = theonetrinity, notmostppl
Andi Pants = Ashbet
Andrew Robertson = erithromycin
Andrew Stallings = ExiledV2, H. Castaigne
Ann Synesthesia Koi = Ann Koi, cutethulhu, mskoi, sectsondrugs, asagikoi
Annette Heathen = Cosey Mo, Feronia, Spikey Cat
Arkady Rose = Arkady, DarkRose, WolfChild
Athenais LaMontespan = Athenais LaMontespan Athenais
Audrey McNeil = the poster formerly known as Useless
Axel *now with a last name* = Axel
B Maura Townsend = StrangeGirl
Becky Alice = Kallisti
Becky Combs Wilson = zentariana
Ben Browning = ~Empty
Beth Gallego = antiopa, poster girl with no poster
Bethany Shorb = dethany
Billy Martin = Poppy Z. Brite
Bob Perye = Macross
Bob Rosenberg = Bob
Bob Westphal = TheOneBob
Brian Goldberg = Lordbiran
Brian Truitt = Dizzy, Dizzydog, Aethenoth
Brian VonSoffel = styggian
Bruce Tucker = Endymion
Bryce Lynch = bryce AT telerama
Cam Rogers = Letterbomb, Coyote
Carie Ann = Absinthea
Caroline Eikenberry = InnocentVice or Noccie for short
Carrie Gough = CarrieMonster :)
Cat Meiow = Mistress Cat, Cat, meiow
Celena Merchant Mauk = PrncssGoth/Maukingbird
Chad Painter = Chrome Angel, Chromeangel, Chrome4ngel, Dagon30k, Dagon
Chad Roberts = erich zann
Charles Gru = Gruamach
Charlotte Ashley = Leanan Sidhe
Charlotte Wise = galatea
Cheryl L. Wickham = gabriella, v. gabriella, v. Gab
Cheryl Wallace = hnybny
Chris Chievious Wagner = Daimon Ahnjeel
Chris Crowther = _Shad0w_
Christopher Anderson = zastur
Christopher Gillen = darkseraph
Coal Room = Marcus Pan / Stealthgoth Pan / PaPa-Pan
Cormac Dubh Mac Tíre = Sciamachy (previously Vetinari circa '97-98ish)
Dag Wästberg = Dag
Dan Wisnosky = Satori
Daniel Ackerley = Artisan and / or Strangerover
Daniel Stern = ph0ebus
David Craig = mole
David E. Christman = Dave Ghoul
David Gerard = Nile Evil Bastard, reddragdiva
David Thompson = Morbid Curiosity
Daymion Browning = schadowsfall
Dayo Steph = Dayo
Dese'Rae Stage = desyre (Maybe? I honestly don't even remember.)
Diane Bono Sampson = Dionysia
DJ Wicked Goth Wickedgoths = Wickedgoths
Donna Raphael = Greycat
Donna S Jones = Angldst
Dorothy Farkas-Steel = Elixxir
Drusilla Grey = Drusilla Grey
Dwayne Linde = C-ko
Ed Johnson = Edvamp
Eileen Orzoff Baranyk = Individuation
Elaine Foster = Valerian, artofadornment
Eleanor McHugh = feyeleanor
Elexa Gilbert = MissElexa/SynthElexa/Gravegrrl
Elizabeth Earl = LizBet
Ellen Johnson = Metamorph aka Metamorph the Dinogoth.
Elly Rainbow Burian = -eloquence-
Elyse Reardon = mercifl1
Emily Sexton = jezebel/emzebel
Eric Arcana = Enoch Arden
Eriel Bea Eriel B. = "Lady Le'Stat"/"Madame of Fuck" /"HeLLBeLLe"/"HellBelle"
Erika Ross = Erika V./Lisiblac/Jade
Erin Nelson = nimue
Evolc Hctib = Shawn Yotter, Clove Bitch or CloveBitch
Evolc Hctib = Shawn Yotter, Clove Bitch or CloveBitch
Ezekiel Hendrickson = Paul Arthur / flowerysong
Fanny Titball = Angeldye
Flick McLuckie = Blaadyblah
Foxlady Foxperson = FirePoppy
Fross = Fross
Fuzzygoth Dave = Fuzzygoth
Garrett Scott = Lasher
Gary Thrasher = Eboe
Glenn Olson = Kaos
Greg Anderson = Banshee
Hardrock Llewynyth = Hardrock Llewynyth
Heath Woodson =
Heather = Gothdiva1
Heather Browning = Gothdiva1
Heather Cromarty = Panic
Heather Phillips = WhiteWitch
Heidi Weispfenning = deadrose
Hester Duffy = hduffy
Hilda Marshall I'm Columbine
Ian Staer = Spiggy, Luminal
J Edgar Agnew = peet / peetr
Jacob Solbrig = Jacob Solace
Jacqueline Susan Turlington-Moore = Jacqueline
Jakob Kaine = RazorJAK
Jamie Dee Franklin = serenova, ubika
Jayson Elliot = Jayson Elliot
Jeff Blanks = Panurge
Jeff Franzmann = Jeff-boy, Eater of Worlds
Jeniphir Taylor-McIntire = Penny Dreadful
Jenn Orton = AngelDemon (AngelDemonn) / Nadilla Cranwell
Jennifer Brown = oddlystrange
Jennifer Dowling = Satan's Sister (1990s) / Stillbourne (2000s)
Jennifer Szczublewski = 'Seph
Jenny Brundage = ~twilight~ (AKA little ~twilight~)
Jessica Honsinger = darkjuliet
Joe Colburn = Joi (GotBlack)
Joe DeVore = Psyanocide
John Colbert = Spud
John Wirtz = Cave Shark
Johonna Nutter = Josie Nutter / Luna Sidhe
Jola Kupferer = Jolarocknolla
Josh Greenwalt =Destri
Judith Darnell = empressjad
Julia Hawkes-Reed = HiRez
Juliann Krute = Lady Id, CyberBanshee
Julie Hruby = BlackIce
Julie Noire = LadyNoir
Juliet Kembitskey = imperia, ravenlily
Karak = (she came & departed as a Shadow)
Karkajou Automaton = thee karkajou automaton, Carcajou
Kathryn Pollnac = Posbina/Posby
Kelly O'Hara = rhithyn
Kest Viator = kest
Kevin Zygmontas = Inox
Kim Bell = DJ Kaleidoscope
Kirsti Thomas = kirsti (not jherek)
Korin Tom Queen = Korin / Tom...
Kris Dow = “the quiet one”
Kris Raams Smith = Skitz? (from babygoth) / Kris / The Lil Bl00 Munchkin
Krista Harnish = Gwen/Guinevere
Laurel Dodge = Laurel Dodge
Laurel Skadi = Ruhiel
Lauren Sidwell = Basinke
Leah Healy = Madbatmaxine
Lee Baldwin = enigma
Leigh Holt = dismal, zer0sleep
Leopold - Neek Oo
Lhizz Browne = Artemisia / octopusgrrl
Lilibat Xgau = lilituaeternus
Lindy Lou = Activity Grrrl
Liz Heckenberg = redcountess
Lolly Mallan = Miss Behaviour
Louise Gilmour = Tetsab
Louise Nickerson = Icicle
Lucy Bond = refuses to give alias
Lynne Thurmond=Mystress Prynne
Marge von Munchingindahausen = The Girl who wanted to be God
Mari Assefa - Jetzebel
Marianne Kirby - m.kirby@whatevermyemailaddresswas/onceupon
Marissa Spokes - dreadeddragon/Dreaded Dragon
Mark Kaplan - Marq, Jammer? (things are a little fuzzy)
Martin Fredrickson = Dragon
Mary MacCormack = Seo
Matt Kokas = Sorrow-Vomit
Matt McKeon = Xthlc
Matthew Forbes = Nytwind
Matthew Trevethan = Gwyrah
Maura Conway = Kitteo / misfitina / conway1
Megan Louise Brown = megan the red queen
Melissa Hofelich = ghoulie/ghoulish/ghouliegirl
Metamorph Dinogoth = Metamorph
Michael Anderburg = maggot
Michael Randall = dgener8
Michael Simons = msimons@* (Master and Servant) possibly used other environment names.
Michael Verzani = Literati
Michelle Kinyon-Colburn =dethinwntr
Micol Hiatt = Dymentia
Miška Kazda = MsChaos
Monica Mitchell-Taylor = Kore, emulsional
Mylissa Prisner = Ashen
Nancy C = Delirium, Sardonyx
Nancy Hinge Shirey = Elizadeath, Hinge
Nate Hill = NGB
NeekO = Nightfly
Nicholas Turner = Nick/Yaruar
Nicole Alcaro = kunfugimp, ninochan
Owen Maresh = oonh
Patrice Hawkes-Reed = Gothpat
Paul Gresock = Trid
Peter Caffin = Synic
Peter H. Coffin = Peter H. Coffin (hellsop)
Rachel Nix = Madame Archel
Ramon Arjona = Archer
Raven H. Sun = Raven
Ravenlunatic Queenie = Ravenlunatic Queenie
Ray Nawara Jr. = nihilus
Rebecca Carrie Ames =t enshikurai9
Rebekah Murphy = Bekah
Rhuarc Garmsten = Wookie
Richard = EdwardS/cissorhands
Richard Anthony Wilber = Jack
Rick Morisco = Xandraius
Ridley McIntyre = Piglet
Rob Havelt = dasfiregod
Robert Tritthardt = djsprockets, djiago / iago
Roxie Risky - Rosaleen Dhu
Ruadhán McElroy - herr_rozzlyn (also a He, now)
Rudy T Baegga = sloot
Ruth Skowron Alfson = MonaLisaOverdrive (MLO)
Ryan Gill = Montieth
S. Astrid Bin = Astrid, disastrid
SailorGloom = Infofreako
Samantha Nasset = Samantha, a Certain Red-Haired Sprite of Evil
Sande Chen = Sande
Sandrine Scialdone = argotht
Sara Melissa Arnold = Narnia
Sarah Rose / Scarylady Sarah = ~Scary Lady Sarah~ / ~SLS~
Shahn Rigsby = Motuvius Rex
Shannon Moore = Emeraldas (90's) Kuroneko (00's)
Shannon Scott = eveofdstruction
Sharon Rozze Goossen = Alckhemia
Sheila Surla = Sheila Marie
Shi Bradley = Midnyte
Siani Hague-Hogg = siani (hedgehog)
Siobhan NiLoughlin = Siobhan NiLoughlin
Sola Balisane = Sola
Stasha Powell = Miss Morte or missmorte
Steph Wades = zept, zeptember, ztepf, Steph Tember
Stephanie Baker Sylvia = Stephanie aka PaleQueen or SrSylvia
Stephanie Quinlan, formerly Alex Sharkey = 50 Ft Queenie
Steve Gustafson = IHCOYC
Stevil Chemsit = JV, The Evil Chemist, Johnny99
Stu Chisholm = Stu
Stuart Crawford = Potatojunkie
Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik = Sulevia, sukipot (post-Usenet)
Susan Mudgett = Fnord Prefect Fnord, Fnordy, Fnordikins
Susannah Ferdinand = Ariana DataAngel/DA -- Still DataAngel/DA
Tarik Dozier = Osiris
Tatyana Belenky = Tatyana
Teresa Dickert = Geekers
Thomas Izaguirre = ratravarman
Thomas Parkin = Albatross, St. Albatross
Timly Grae = Timly Grae, overboming/daddygoth overboming
timmie steele = timmie, squirrelboi
TinaPop = txxxpxx
Tom Busha = Stypica
Toni Scandella = Antonio
Tony Lee = Arcanus
Tracy Batty Robertson = Batty/Battyboop/The other batty (from agf)
Tracy Hyland Painter = Victorianrose23
Vicki Jankowski = Ms. V, severina_242
Vlad E. Kins = vlad@gwu, vlad@obscure, vladykins
Voron Erich Xarya = Voron
Wendi Dohrmann Williams = Artemis/Boadicea
Wendy Ashmun = wendolen
Whitney Holiday = maat, Asyn
Will Evans = Rat Bastard
Will Isenhour = TSM
William Kinderman = DJ Bat (Xorcist)
Witchy Fingers = witch baby/witchbaby/witchbebe
Yosa Addiss = Yosa
Zim Iamvia = Grrrlock, Greylock
Zoh Raven = Zoe Rothberg, Zoe Security
バット カウント = Sexbat