User:Madelyn Boudreaux

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Madelyn is Cajun from Louisiana who is currently living in Salt Lake City,UT. Most of her posting was around the time of the Convergence VIII vote.

She was the traditional maintainer of the Convergence Roll Call.

She is herding cats (aka coordinating volunteers) for C15 in Long Beach.

She is leading the charge for C16 in Park City, UT.

C16 Crazy Person Leading the Charge, Madelyn also helped out on C15. Madelyn resides in Salt Lake City, UT, but reminds anyone who asks that she's FROM Louisiana. Not being from Salt Lake is very important to her sense of well-being and happiness. That said, she's really pretty fond of her adopted city. Madelyn DJ'd under the moniker d j . d r o w n at a variety of goth / industrial nights around the SLC area, including Area 51, Sanctuary, and others. She helped establish the long-running Dark Arts Festival in Utah, and was the originator of the volunteer community service organiation, Utah G.O.T.H.I.C.S. (Gothic Organization To Help In Community Service), which performed diverse volunteer activities such as graveyard cleanups, charity fund-raisers, a day of service at a battered women's shelter, Halloween mask making with terminally ill children at the University of Utah hospital, and bat sponsorship through Bat Conservation International.